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Keith and The Girl - free comedy talk show
Keith Malley and Chemda
Keith and The Girl Free Comedy Talk Show
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Karen Morrow
Podcaster and co-host of The Black Guy Who Tips
Karen Morrow has been on 152 shows
LW 311: Shows 3896 - 3897
LW 310: Shows 3894 - 3895
LW 309: Shows 3892 - 3893
LW 308: Show 3891
CHU 182: Live*
LW 307: Shows 3889 - 3890
CHU 181: Hazard Pay
KATG 3889: Make Movies Shorter w/ Rod and Karen Morrow
LW 306: Show 3888 +
LW 305: Shows 3886 - 3887
KATG 3886: Inauguration 2025 w/ Rod and Karen Morrow
LW 304: Show 3885 +
LW 303: Show 3884
LW 302: Shows 3882 - 3883
LW 301: Shows 3879 - 3881
LW 300: Shows 3877 - 3878
LW 299: Shows 3874 - 3876 +
KATG 3877: UnitedHealthcare CEO Shooter Luigi Mangione’s Arrest, Jay-Z’s Rape Accusation, and Drake Being a Total Bitch w/ Rod and Karen Morrow
LW 298: Shows 3871 - 3873
KATG 3871: Request Denied w/ Rod and Karen Morrow
LW 297: Shows 3868 - 3870
LW 296: Shows 3866 - 3867
LW 295: Shows 3862 - 3865
LW 294: Shows 3860 - 3861
LW 293: Shows 3858 - 3859
LW 292: Shows 3854 - 3857
LW 291: Show 3853
LW 290: Shows 3851 - 3852
LW 289: Show 3850
LW 288: Show 3848 - 3849
LW 287: Show 3847
LW 286: Shows 3845 - 3846
LW 285: Show 3844
LW 283: Shows 3837 - 3839
KATG 3840: Politics as Unusual w/ Rod and Karen Morrow
LW 282: Shows 3834 - 3836
LW 281: Shows 3832 - 3833
LW 280: Shows 3830 - 3831
LW 279: Shows 3827 - 3829
LW 278: Shows 3824 - 3826
KATG 3824: Raise Up (Bee Mine) with Rod & Karen Morrow
LW 277: Shows 3820 - 3823
LW 276: Shows 3817 - 3819
LW 275: Shows 3815 - 3816
LW 274: Shows 3812 - 3814
LW 273: Shows 3810 - 3811
KATG 3815: DAMN. w/ Rod & Karen Morrow
KATG 3812: Going Postal w/ Rod & Karen Morrow
LW 270: Shows 3801 - 3803
LW 269: Shows 3798 - 3800
LW 268: Shows 3787 - 3797
KATG 3790: And Just Like That… w/ Rod Morrow, Karen Morrow, Craig Klein, and Diamond Dogs’ Chris
LW 267: Shows 3783 - 3786
LW 266: Shows 3780 - 3782
LW 265: Shows 3776 - 3779
LW 264: Shows 3770 - 3775
LW 262: Shows 3763 - 3765
LW 261: Shows 3760 - 3762
LW 260: Shows 3756 - 3759
LW 258: Shows 3747 - 3751
LW 256: Shows 3739 - 3742
LW 255: Shows 3735 - 3738
LW 254: Shows 3732 - 3734
KATG 3725: Checkmate, Atheists! w/ Steffan Alun and Rod & Karen Morrow
LW 251: Shows 3721 - 3723
LW 249: Shows 3714 - 3717
LW 247: Shows 3706 - 3709
LW 245: Shows 3698 - 3701
LW 244: Shows 3695 - 3697
LW 242: Shows 3688 - 3691
LW 241: Shows 3685 - 3687
LW 240: Shows 3682 - 3684
LW 239: Shows 3678 - 3681
LW 238: Shows 3674 - 3677
LW 237: Shows 3671 - 3673
LW 236: Shows 3667 - 3670
LW 235: Shows 3663 - 3666
LW 234: Shows 3659 - 3662
LW 232: Shows 3651 - 3654
LW 231: Shows 3648 - 3650
LW 229: Shows 3642 - 3644
KATG 3638: Selective Outrage haha w/ Nick Vatterott and Rod & Karen Morrow
LW 227: Shows 3635 - 3637
LW 226: Shows 3632 - 3634
KATG 3634: 15th Annual KATGuh Award Winners
LW 225: Shows 3629 - 3631
LW 223: Shows 3625 - 3626 and The KATG 2023 Marathon
LW 221: Shows 3620 - 3621
LW 219: Shows 3613 - 3616
LW 216: Shows 3605 - 3606
LW 215: Shows 3602 - 3604
LW 213: Shows 3596 - 3598
LW 210: Shows 3588 - 3589
LW 208: Shows 3582 - 3584
LW 206: Shows 3577 - 3579
LW 204: Shows 3573 - 3574
LW 203: Shows 3570 - 3572
LW 202: Shows 3567 - 3569
LW 200: Shows 3561 - 3563
LW 198: Shows 3555 - 3557
KATG 3554: The World Is Crumbling (Skeet-Skeet, Goddamn) w/ Bianca Brady, Rod and Karen Morrow, Newsy, and Shalewa Sharpe
LW 196: Shows 3549 - 3551
LW 194: Shows 3542 - 3545
LW 192: Shows 3536 - 3538
LW 190: Shows 3530 - 3532
LW 188: Show 3526 and KATG Week 2022
LW 187: Shows 3523 - 3525
LW 185: Shows 3517 - 3519
LW 183: Shows 3511 - 3513
LW 181: Shows 3506 - 3508
LW 179: Shows 3496 - 3502
KATG 3500: 2022 24-Hour Marathon: The Last Duel w/ Gilbert Gottfried, J.P. McDade, Casey Balsham, Rod and Karen Morrow, JC Best, Josh Accardo, and Colin O’Brien
LW 177: Shows 3490 - 3492
KATG 3488: 14th Annual KATGuh Award Winners
LW 175: Shows 3484 - 3486
LW 174: Shows 3481 - 3483
LW 172: Shows 3476 - 3477
LW 170: Shows 3470 - 3472
LW 167: Shows 3461 - 3463
LW 165: Shows 3455 - 3457
LW 163: Shows 3449 - 3451
LW 159: Shows 3437 - 3439
LW 157: Shows 3431 - 3433
LW 155: Shows 3425 - 3427
KATG 3424: Recommended for You w/ Irene Tu and Karen Morrow
LW 153: Shows 3419 - 3421
LW 151: Shows 3414 - 3415
LW 149: Shows 3408 - 3410
LW 147: Shows 3402 - 3404
LW 145: Shows 3397 - 3398
LW 144: Shows 3395 - 3396 (VIP Night)
LW 142: Shows 3390 - 3392
LW 140: Shows 3384 - 3386
LW 138: Shows 3378 - 3380
LW 136: Shows 3373 - 3374
KATG 3371: 2021 24-Hour Marathon: Addiction w/ Karen Morrow, Iain Lee, Katherine Boyle, and Maria Wojciechowski
LW 134: Shows 3366 - 3369
KATG 3368: 2021 24-Hour Marathon: Pissing Contest w/ Rod & Karen Morrow, Atheer Yacoub, Kevin Allison, Jim Norton, and Steve Schirripa
KATG 3365: 13th Annual KATGuh Award Winners
LW 132: Shows 3361 - 3363
LW 131: Shows 3357 - 3360
LW 130: Shows 3343 - 3356
LW 129: Shows 3348 - 3352
LW 127: Shows 3342 - 3344
LW 125: Shows 3336 - 3338
LW 123: Shows 3330 - 3332
LW 121: Shows 3324 - 3326
KATG 3322: Half Baked w/ Karen Morrow
LW 119: Shows 3318 - 3320
LW 118: Show 3317
LW 117: Shows 3314 - 3316
KATG 3298: Fatal Affair w/ Karen Morrow
LW 311: Shows 3896 - 3897
This week we talk about Christian wanting to define his relationship with Keith, J-L and Dan’s impressions, and people not being prepared to be a guest for a recording. We also had a special interview with one of these ill-prepared people. As Rod loves to say: Keith's misery our pleasure.
March 10, 2025
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Karen Morrow
Rod Morrow
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